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Getting Started with AR.

In this section you will gain a basic understanding of AR, the possibilities and the impact it can have on the world. It gives an overview of the different platforms and features of tools used to create AR content.

Unit contents

The topics we will cover and questions we will answer through this guide:

What is AR? (Understanding the difference – AR vs. VR vs. MR)

Types of AR – marker-less, marker, facial tracking and existing examples

Areas for implementation

Platforms & Features of tools used to create AR content

Unit objectives

To give you an introduction to the AR world

To help you understand and differentiate the different continuums that make-up the extended reality (XR) spectrum

To expose you to the different platforms that you can use in creation of your own unique experiences

To show you the possibilities of the technology in everyday life

To help you understand and choose the right platform depending on what you are creating

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