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Learn how to build on MediAR.

MediAR is a cutting-edge online content creation platform powered by WebXR, designed for content creators, agencies, and businesses to develop immersive AR experiences.

With MediAR, users can easily create, publish, analyze, and scale AR content, making it the go-to toolkit for pushing the boundaries of creativity and storytelling with AR technology.

Throughout this tutorial course, you’ll learn about Augmented Reality (AR) production. By the end, you will have created your very own AR project using MediAR.

Getting started with AR

In this section you will gain a basic understanding of AR, the possibilities and the impact it can have in the world. It gives an overview of the different platforms and features of tools used to create AR content.

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Idea Development

In this section you will learn about the stages of idea development and how to develop an AR idea; thinking about why AR would work for your project, using a template to visualize your idea and asking questions to fine tune. At the end of this section, you will share your idea with others to get feedback.

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In this section you will be exposed to a basic understanding of prototyping. An overview will be given of the different ways that you can use to prototype your AR products or designs. This unit will provide you with direction into creation, testing, viewing and actualizing prototypes in both the virtual and real worlds.

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This section covers practical sessions of the production pipeline of an AR project using MediAR. It guides you through step-by-step examples that show you how to create AR pieces that can be used either in an educational context as well as a basic overview on how to overlay content using MediAR.

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Post Production

Most of the work in AR takes place in the production stage. This stage entails maintaining your AR content and keeping it updated,understanding your viewerbase and ensuring your creations are usable and accessible. Post-production in AR also focuses on marketing and distributing your AR experience. 

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