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An idea is a thought or collection of thoughts created in the mind; ideas are often developed with an intent, but can also be developed unintentionally. They are connected to what a person or group of persons is thinking about and are advanced for implementation through idea development. Through idea development, a developer or creator is able to flesh out their ideas and come up with concepts that can be implemented in real world situations by understanding people’s needs and problems.

Idea development/optimization is a step by step process through which a pool of ideas is refined by identifying the specific elements of an idea which creates the greatest impact. It involves communicating ideas which are abstract, concrete or visual by constructing through ideas, innovating concepts, developing the process and bringing the concept to reality.

Idea Development is simply about implementing different ways of exploring ideas and composing solutions that best solve the problem in the most effective manner.

Stages of Idea Development

Stages of idea development are often different in different industries and businesses. However, they all rely on a similar process to advance an idea into reality, and within mature markets the stages become more defined with uniquely built tools and processes.

Iggi & Gabi (23rd March 2011) break down idea development into four phases which we shall apply in the development of AR ideas, the four phases include: Inspiration, Incubation, Illumination and Implementation

Inspiration Phase

This is when a creator/developer comes up with an idea, at this phase one is likely to have more than one idea that will need to be analyzed and their relevance to the real world assessed.     

In order to flesh out an idea and settle on the most relevant one can implement certain guiding strategies; these are: 

  • Brainstorming
  • Mind Mapping
  • SCAMPER technique
  • Reverse Thinking
  • Collaboration



This process involves assessing one’s ideas whether as an individual or a group to settle on an idea that can be a solution to a specific problem.

It creates an opportunity for one to have conversations or introspective analysis of their ideas in relation to existing opportunities, and settle on one idea to work on and advance with. It gives a creator permission and time to think outside the box and think on their idea to come up with uncommon solutions/ideas that are relevant. A brainstorm is usually a brain dump of different directions that a project could go in without judgement of its relevance to the subject matter. This is to mostly build relations and formulate the best solution possible.

Mind Mapping

This process allows one to visually understand their ideas. It involves having a visual representation/elements of one’s key idea and having visual representations of other ideas surrounding the main allowing the creator to assess all ideas from a visual point and selecting which may relate as they analyse relevance to resolving existing issues.

Mind mapping is fun as it allows room to colour code and doodle which helps one in narrowing down much faster. It creates a mental picture of relationships that are all rooted into the main agenda/idea.

SCAMPER technique

Developed by Bob Eberie, the acronym stands for (S) substitute, (C) combine, (A) adapt, (M) modify, (P) put to another use, (E) eliminate and (R) reverse.

This technique allows one to judge their ideas in reference to already existing solutions/products and consider improving upon them or innovating new solutions; the assessment is conducted by developing questions guided by the SCAMPER prompts.

This process will allow one to settle on a relevant idea easily because one is able to know what is acceptable and what works for the existing market.

Reverse Thinking

In this technique a creator/developer focuses on the possibility of failure. Instead of looking at how best your ideas will work analyze your ideas in reference to which ideas are likely to fail.

This process gives one a chance to derive a working idea by eliminating the most likely to fail in reference to the market/potential areas of implementation for their ideas.


This process involves a creator leaving their comfort zone and working with people from different backgrounds, knowledge-bases, skills and experiences to assess their ideas from different perspectives.

This method is important in generating ideas as it is inclusive and by combining different insights one can reach a conclusion that addresses a wide variety of issues.

Incubation Phase

In developing your idea, create time to analyze the idea selected in phase one. Let yourself wander off the different opportunities to implement the idea. 

At this phase one is able to create a plan on how to develop their idea; understand the best App or methods to use to make your idea a reality as well as determine the best opportunities/industries or context to implement your idea.

Each and every solution/design that one comes up with has to have a plan of execution with the target user in mind. The plan acts as a guide to both the innovator/creator, the teams involved in fleshing out the idea and making it manifest in reality as a usable product in the target industry.

Illumination Phase

In the words of Kaufman, “connections automatically, subconsciously collide and then reach the threshold of consciousness,”

This is the processing/evaluation phase where the creator is able to assess their idea in reference to the plan developed in phase two; identify weaknesses and work on how best to mitigate them, by conducting a critical assessment of your ideas; shuffle around all possible ways to create it as well as implement it; let your inner critic guide you. Why would you not develop it and why would your target audience/consumer not use it. This is the stage at which the tools to be used and their features are considered in reference to the goal.


Implementation Phase

Stop thinking and start working; this is the creation phase, it is time to develop what you have already assessed; what you know the market/context is ready for and is usable. Work on eliminating all possible weaknesses in your already existing plan and evaluation will guide you and give you the confidence to dive into making the best experience.

Test your creation and allow others to test it as well to ensure that your developed experience has eliminated most possible weaknesses and limit negative criticism.

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