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Time: 15 – 20 minutes to reflect (this does not include creating the prototype)

Take some time now to reflect on what you have read about design thinking and prototyping.

Out of the five phases of design thinking you already walked through three of them during the idea development stage. Revisit/visit the phases using the following questions:


Is the way you described your audience in the idea development stage still accurate? If you have gotten new facts on your audience you may want to tweak your ideas where needed.


Look back at the goal you set in the idea development stage. Now think of the problem(s) your audience/users face. Does your goal match the problem? If needed, refine your goals.


At the end of the idea development stage you pitched your AR experience concept. What is the feedback you received from your peers? Try to incorporate the tips and feedback that you received to make your concept stronger.


This is a new phase which you haven’t focused on yet. After reading the resource on ‘methods of prototyping’, which method do you feel best suits AR? Do you have the skill set to develop a digital prototype of will you develop a more traditional non-digital prototype to start with? In the production phase you will find guides on how to use Spark AR Studio, which you could access now if you would like to create a digital prototype, but feel like you do not have the skill yet.


If you have created a digital prototype, this is the time to test it, fine-tune it and ask others to test it as well. Use all the feedback you receive to improve your prototype in preparation for the production phase.

Finally, consider what steps you need to take in your project to make sure that you conclude the pre-production stage successfully and are ready for the production stage.

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