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Pitch your AR experience!

Time: 10 – 15 minutes to prepare 

Once you have developed your AR idea it is important that you share it with people who can support your project. Your goal during a project pitch is to give the audience a clear idea of what ideas your project will cover and what your project will look like and sound like. 

The template which you created in the previous practice should explain the main idea of the project. It should include your goal(s) and what the audience will experience. Along with presenting this template make sure you explain who you are and what role you will play in the project. This is also the time to think of a title for your project. 


  • Keep your pitch short! In writing, it should be about 1 – 2 paragraphs and you should be able to present it in less than a minute in person. Assume that the listener knows nothing about your project, so be specific and to the point. 
  • Practice your pitch by reading it aloud several times. Ask yourself: does it give the audience an idea of your project topic and goal? Does it help them imagine what your project will look and sound like? Refine your pitch where needed and practice till you feel comfortable delivering it. Feel free to get creative in developing and delivering your pitch and make sure to have fun! 

Finally, present you pitch in front of your peers and ask for feedback on your AR concept, as well as your delivery of the pitch itself. 

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