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Develop your AR design concept

Time: 30 – 40 min.  Use the questions below to refine your ideas. 

Step 1: Goal

It is always important to start with your goal(s). Ask yourself “What do you want to accomplish with your AR experience?” 

I want my AR experience to: ___________________________________________

Step 2: Audience 

It is also important to know who you would like to reach through your AR experience. Keep your goal in mind when thinking of your audience. Try to describe your audience by completing the sentences below: 

  • My audience thinks ……
  • My audience feels ……
  • My audience wants to ……..
  • This is what my audience doesn’t realize (yet) …….
  • How do you want to impact your audience’s thinking ……..
  • How do you want to impact your audience’s feelings ……..
  • How do you want to impact your audience’s actions ……..
  • What do you want your audience to realize ………

Step 3: Brainstorm

Make a list or concept map of all of the elements that come to mind when thinking of your topic and goal. Whether these elements make it into the final project or not is not important. In a brainstorm there is no wrong or right, so try to freely think about all aspects of your topic.

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