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Some of the industries in which AR can easily be implemented include:

Social Impact: In this field AR has been used to raise awareness of social impact projects and to transport the audience to the area in which the projects take place. WaterAid used AR to make their exhibition come to life. Using AR, RYOT recreated Paris’ renowned Louvre Museum at a warehouse in Los Angeles, bringing art to local children. Google’s ‘Sodar‘ is an AR tool for social distancing, in response to the world wide COVID 19 pandemic. Ona Stories made human centered stories from Tanzania come alive using AR in their art gallery.  

Business: In this field AR has been explored in three main dimensions sales/retail, marketing and manufacturing.

  • Retail: Companies have enabled customers to view and try out products through AR e.g. Cosmetic Industry
  • Marketing: Through use of interactive and engaging sales and brand awareness e.g. Marketing Experiences 
  • Manufacturing: AR has assisted manufacturers to save time, reduce human error and increase overall efficiency in production e.g. AR in Manufacturing Industry

Education: In this field AR assists in merging classroom curriculums with practical experiences by embedding text, images, 3D models and videos on academic publications e.g. AR in Education

Gaming: Different games have been made in AR to give real life context and make them immersive e.g. AR in Gaming 

Maintenance & Repairs: Special AR apps developed are used to provide maintenance staff with useful information as they work on specific items or areas as well as suggest potential fixes and point out potential problem areas of different items/machines e.g. AR in MaintenanceNavigation: In this field AR shows directions and guides people to locations, as well as allowing access to real-time information on specific objects by users pointing their camera viewfinders at specific objects e.g. AR in Navigation 

Healthcare: AR holds the potential to boost the depth and effectiveness of medical practice and training. For instance, in the designing of smart contact lenses which repel optical radiation such as this and in surgeries.

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